[icecast-dev] Source deconnection bug in icecast?

iceuse at kezako.net iceuse at kezako.net
Wed Nov 19 09:41:14 PST 2003

I have a problem with icecast icecast-2.0-kh8:
- the source disconnect
- icecast didn't notice it
- the source cannot reconnect until - the source cannot reconnect (it tries every 8 seconds)
- after two hours, the source is able to reconnect

Here is the interesting parts of the log files:

Thanks for your advices and help.

(icecast machine has +3sec in its time, that's normal, it's an old machine)

************************* ICECAST ERROR LOG *******************************
[2003-11-19  00:00:06] INFO main/main Icecast 2.0-kh8 server started
[2003-11-19  00:00:12] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg"
[2003-11-19  00:00:12] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source matching mount settings
[2003-11-19  00:00:12] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source mountinfo /radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg found (null)
[2003-11-19  00:00:12] DBUG source/source_main Source creation complete
[2003-11-19  00:00:14] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  00:00:14] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source matching mount settings
[2003-11-19  00:00:14] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source mountinfo /radio-bro-gwened.ogg found /radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg
[2003-11-19  00:00:14] DBUG source/source_main Source creation complete
[2003-11-19  13:28:24] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Client connected
[2003-11-19  13:28:24] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Source not found for client
[2003-11-19  14:20:21] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Client connected
[2003-11-19  14:20:21] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Source not found for client
[2003-11-19  14:20:21] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Client connected
[2003-11-19  14:20:21] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request Source not found for client
[2003-11-19  14:43:15] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  14:43:15] INFO source/source_alloc Too many sources
[2003-11-19  14:43:24] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  14:43:24] INFO source/source_alloc Too many sources
[2003-11-19  14:43:40] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  14:43:40] INFO source/source_alloc Too many sources
..................... many errors like that .........................
[2003-11-19  16:20:44] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  16:20:44] INFO source/source_alloc Too many sources
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] WARN format-vorbis/vorbis_get_buffer source connection has died
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] INFO source/source_main Source "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg" exiting
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] INFO source/source_main passing 0 listeners to /radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/radio-bro-gwened.ogg"
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source matching mount settings
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source mountinfo /radio-bro-gwened.ogg found /radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg
[2003-11-19  16:21:00] DBUG source/source_main Source creation complete

************************ ICECAST ACCESS LOG ***********************
*************************************************************************** - - [19/Nov/2003:00:00:05 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 200 19 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 26644 - - [19/Nov/2003:00:00:05 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened-default.ogg HTTP/1.0" 200 19 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 84890 - - [19/Nov/2003:13:28:24 +0100] "GET /stats/webalizer/index.html HTTP/1.1" 404 109 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; 
Windows NT 5.1; E2703; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:14:20:21 +0100] "GET /stats/webalizer/index.html HTTP/1.1" 404 109 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:14:20:21 +0100] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 109 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) 
Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:14:43:15 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 404 81 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:14:43:24 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 404 81 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:14:43:40 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 404 81 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 0
................................... many errors like that ..................
..................................................................... - - [19/Nov/2003:16:20:28 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 404 81 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:16:20:44 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 404 81 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 0 - - [19/Nov/2003:16:21:00 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 200 19 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 58846

*********************** ICES LOG**********************************
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 19404 Hz
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 19404 Hz, minimum bitrate 10, 
nominal -1, maximum 28000
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Failed initial connect to (Couldn't connect: Connection refused)
[2003-11-19  00:00:02] DBUG encode/encode_clear Clearing encoder engine
[2003-11-19  00:00:03] DBUG input/input_loop An instance died, removing it
[2003-11-19  00:00:03] DBUG input/input_flush_queue Input queue flush requested
[2003-11-19  00:00:03] DBUG input/input_loop All instances removed, shutting down control thread.
[2003-11-19  00:00:03] INFO ices-core/main Shutdown complete
[2003-11-19  00:00:10] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
[2003-11-19  00:00:10] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 19404 Hz
[2003-11-19  00:00:10] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 19404 Hz, minimum bitrate 10, 
nominal -1, maximum 28000
[2003-11-19  00:00:10] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
[2003-11-19  00:00:11] INFO stream/ices_instance_stream Connected to server:
[2003-11-19  14:42:56] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Send error: Socket error (Connection timed out)
[2003-11-19  14:42:56] DBUG input/input_flush_queue Input queue flush requested
[2003-11-19  14:43:13] WARN stream/ices_instance_stream Trying reconnect after server socket error
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Failed to reconnect to (Login failed)
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Reconnect failed too many times, giving up.
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] WARN stream/ices_instance_stream Too many errors, shutting down
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] DBUG encode/encode_clear Clearing encoder engine
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] DBUG input/input_loop An instance died, removing it
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] DBUG input/input_flush_queue Input queue flush requested
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] DBUG input/input_loop All instances removed, shutting down control thread.
[2003-11-19  14:43:14] INFO ices-core/main Shutdown complete
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 19404 Hz
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 19404 Hz, minimum bitrate 10, 
nominal -1, maximum 28000
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Failed initial connect to (Login failed: Success)
[2003-11-19  14:43:22] DBUG encode/encode_clear Clearing encoder engine
[2003-11-19  14:43:23] DBUG input/input_loop An instance died, removing it
[2003-11-19  14:43:23] DBUG input/input_flush_queue Input queue flush requested
[2003-11-19  14:43:23] DBUG input/input_loop All instances removed, shutting down control thread.
[2003-11-19  14:43:23] INFO ices-core/main Shutdown complete
[2003-11-19  14:43:38] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
[2003-11-19  14:43:38] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 19404 Hz
[2003-11-19  14:43:38] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 19404 Hz, minimum bitrate 10, 
nominal -1, maximum 28000
[2003-11-19  14:43:38] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
.......................many errors like that ........................
[2003-11-19  16:20:58] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
[2003-11-19  16:20:58] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 19404 Hz
[2003-11-19  16:20:58] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 19404 Hz, minimum bitrate 10, 
nominal -1, maximum 28000
[2003-11-19  16:20:58] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
[2003-11-19  16:20:58] INFO stream/ices_instance_stream Connected to server:

<p>--- >8 ----
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