[foms] WebM Manifest

Mark Watson watsonm at netflix.com
Thu May 5 14:32:05 PDT 2011

On May 5, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:

> There are people working on a blend of live and ondemand as well; in
> essence, should a time-indexed 'live resource' (what the server was
> streaming 30 minutes ago) be using 'live' or 'ondemand' technology ? Why
> can't it be the same ?

To a certain extent it can, and this was an objective with the DASH work in 3GPP and MPEG. But the system and procedures have to be flexible enough that they encompass all the use-cases without compromising one in favor of the other. You do end up with a system which can support both a single-file-per-track-with-byte-ranges for on-demand and small chunks for live. There is nothing to stop you *using* small chunks for on-demand but the disadvantages of this mode are so significant (as I described) that it can't be the only solution for on-demand.


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