[foms] Proposal: adaptive streaming using open codecs

Mark Watson watsonm at netflix.com
Tue Nov 16 16:47:17 PST 2010

On Nov 16, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Chris Pearce wrote:

On 16/11/2010 5:23 p.m., Frank Galligan wrote:

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Chris Pearce <chris at pearce.org.nz<mailto:chris at pearce.org.nz>> wrote:
On 16/11/2010 6:48 a.m., Steve Lhomme wrote:
> Doesn't it lead to more sync issues when the files you received are
> not interleaved ?

Yes, it's harder to manage non-interleaved streams over multiple

You are still going to have to manage multiple connections downloading separate chunks.  Will managing non-interleaved streams be a lot harder?

I think managing non-interleaved streams will be harder because you need to manage multiple downloads in paralell, rather than in the interleaved chunks case where you logically have multiple sequential downloads. But I think we'll just have to bite the bullet and implement support for non-interleaved streams, and I'm ok with that. ;)

You actually don't need to download in parallel, but there are some advantages if you do. You could just schedule closed range requests in sequence: audio, video, audio, video, etc.  (if the requests are all for the same amount of media time). If you have plenty of data buffered it makes little difference whether you do this or use parallel connections. At startup it can make a difference to the time it takes to get enough buffer of both streams to start playout.

Chris P.

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