[Flac] FLAC plug-in for Adobe Premiere

Martijn van Beurden mvanb1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 07:58:43 PDT 2013

On 01-07-13 16:11, Brendan Bolles wrote:
> Hey everyone, I've written a FLAC plug-ing for Adobe Premiere.  It's actually part of the Ogg Vorbis plug-in I originally set out to write.  You can see it here on GitHub:
> https://github.com/fnordware/AdobeOgg

Hi Brendan,

Nice work! I'm not an Adobe Premiere user, but for what I know it has 
quite a lot of users so I'm pretty sure this will gain the FLAC format 
quite a few more users.

> The reason I wanted to post here is that I wasn't able to get FLAC working on Windows.  The plug-in source should be fine, I just couldn't get it to link.  The FLAC library comes with a .vcproj to build on 32-bit Windows, but I added 64-bit targets and the results wouldn't link.  Premiere is x64-only these days.
> If a Windows expert here would like to take a look and maybe fix the problem, I'd be much obliged.

I would recommend you to repost this on the flac-dev mailinglist, all 
FLAC developers read that one and as far as I know only a few read this 
list. See here: http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/flac-dev If you 
repost it with the details (Visual Studio version used, link error etc.) 
I think there is a high chance this gets fixed.

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