[Flac] FLAC plug-in for Adobe Premiere

Brendan Bolles brendan at fnordware.com
Mon Jul 1 07:11:01 PDT 2013

Hey everyone, I've written a FLAC plug-ing for Adobe Premiere.  It's actually part of the Ogg Vorbis plug-in I originally set out to write.  You can see it here on GitHub:


I just finished the first beta a few hours ago.  You can download binary plug-ins from here:


If you don't have Premiere, you can always download the 30-trial.  If you don't have Mac or Windows, then move along.  :)

The reason I wanted to post here is that I wasn't able to get FLAC working on Windows.  The plug-in source should be fine, I just couldn't get it to link.  The FLAC library comes with a .vcproj to build on 32-bit Windows, but I added 64-bit targets and the results wouldn't link.  Premiere is x64-only these days.

If a Windows expert here would like to take a look and maybe fix the problem, I'd be much obliged.


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