[Flac] FLAC: how to dump seekpoints ?

porte64 at free.fr porte64 at free.fr
Wed Apr 1 22:11:44 PDT 2009


metaflac provides exporting CUEpoints, but not SEEKpoints.
As i understand, cuepoints represent gaps beetween tracks (inserting pause),
whereas seekpoints merely describe a list of seekable points.
Can cuepoint be used just as seekpoints (in the end, the
only thing which matters is that some classic media players
will recognize them).

In the script i have just posted before (joining source PCM/WAV files)
the FLAC encoder is invoked with an option
where the 'sps' cumulate the number of samples in source files (read with SOX).

I dumped the header in hex, and i saw no obvious SEEK section.
So i doubt seekpoints are there:
- flac raises no error when encoding (maybe a seekpoint at 0 is an error,
should i start at 1 ?)
- metaflac does report seekpoints
- i found no player familiar to me (VLC,maplayer) to check if
seekpoints are indeed there

However i definitely want to put seekpoints there, it's quite interesting
when you have long audio books, opera pieces ...
and i am sure there are some media players which know about seekpoints.


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