[flac] flac fingerprint

Harry Sack tranzedude at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 18:06:20 PDT 2007


i found this explanation of the flac fingerprint somewhere:

'A FLAC Fingerprint is generated only for the audio data portion of
the file. (Therefore, changing the filename or the tags or
FlacMetadata does not change the fingerprint calculation.) In
contrast, an .md5 is generated against the whole file, including
header portions.'

so i was wondering what advantages it could give me to make a ffp
file, because there is already a internally stored md5 checksum on the
decoded audio data inside the flac file? What extra advantage does a
ffp file give me while only considering the need to verify the audio

i was also wondering how files encoded by using the new
--keep-existing-metadata option are verified when using -verify. Is
there a separate internally stored md5 for metadata next to the md5
for decoded audio data or how is everything verified?
Is making a ffp file for such files also possible for the non-audio
data (so all metadata)?

i hope somebody can make this more clear, because it's rather confusing.

i was also wondering if there exists a GUI program for win32 to verify
flac files using a ffp file (so not md5check.exe)

thx in advance

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