[Flac] FLAC: re-encoding

rappard at dds.nl rappard at dds.nl
Thu Jul 26 00:01:32 PDT 2007

Hi all,

Josh probably means "flac-113.bat" which was written by someone in the  
HA forums - obviously attachments with the .bat extension are anathema  
to most mailing lists and mail servers, so I uploaded it at:


Let me know if the link doesn't work and I'll simply send you the source.



<jwhite at cdtag.com> wrote:
> I wrote a little command line utility for this in C# - the lib it uses is a
> little overkill for the task but it does work.  As Josh noted there is no
> compression gain, so I wouldn't bother unless you have FLAC's encoded with
> older versions.  I also think Josh said there's a .BAT file out there that
> does the same thing.
> Here's the file: http://idsharp.com/download/reflac02.zip
> It creates backups and shows encoder/decoder windows by default, you can
> turn these off with -nb (no backups) and -nw (no windows).  Have flac.exe in
> the same directory as the tool and run something like:
> reflac -8 -r "c:\flac"
> Which will reflac all .flac files in c:\flac, revursively (-r), with
> compression level 8 (-8).  The source is available if you're interested.
> On 7/25/07, Josh Coalson <xflac at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> --- Harry Sack <tranzedude at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi
>>> I have some questions about re-encoding existing FLAC files to FLAC
>>> 1.2.0.:
>>> - can older 1.1.x FLAC files be re-encoded to FLAC 1.2.0 by using the
>>> FLAC 1.2.0 encoder?
>> yes, flac can take FLAC files as input, but there is no compression
>> advantage going from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0
>>> - can FLAC files encoded with the FLAC Flake SVN encoder (or any
>>> other
>>> 'unofficial' FLAC encoder) be re-encoded by using the FLAC 1.2.0
>>> encoder?
>> yes, if they are FLAC compliant

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