[Flac] FLAC: sending output to file

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 10:13:01 PDT 2007

--- Harry Sack <tranzedude at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using windows so I know the wildcard support for flac is broken.
> That's
> why I use this command to encode a whole directory of WAV-files to
> FLAC-files in a command prompt:
> for %1 in (*.wav) do flac -V --best "%1"
> This command is fully working
> Now I want to write the flac output to a file, so I can open this
> file
> later.
> I tried to add > outputfile.txt to the command like this:
> for %1 in (*.wav) do flac -V --best "%1" > outputfile.txt
> But this doesn't work.

using > only captures stdout, but flac messages go to stderr, so
you need to do

for %1 in (*.wav) do flac -V --best "%1" 2> outputfile.txt

this is true for cmd.exe as well as other unixy shells like bash.
not sure if it works for command.com though.


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