[Flac] RE: Converting to 1.1.4, help please!

Tim ht_nut at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 11 19:02:18 PDT 2007

Hey Jud, Thanks!
I copied two of my FLAC folders (CDs) into a temp dir just to test it out
and see if I could get it to run.
I put the four unzipped files into the dir folder and opened a cmd window
using the same options you suggested:
"reflac -r -8 -nw -nb"

It looks as though it first converts the files to WAV then re-encode them
into FLAC 1.1.4 then deletes the WAV, correct?

I was worried that the tags might vanish, but when I opened the files in
both MP3Tag and Rio Manager all of the tags were there and correct.

I understand the -8 -nb and -nw, but what exactly is -r "recursive"?

Thanks again!

Now the only question is how many days it will take to re-encode over 1200
CDs on a circa 2000 P4 (socket 723 I think) with 256MB RAM?


>Hi Tim,
>I threw something together tonight that might help: 
>http://cdtag.com/download/reflac.zip (freeware/open source)
>The command line syntax is pretty simple.. it'll be something like this:
>reflac -r -8 -nw -nb
>Which is, respectively:
>recursive, compression level 8, no child windows, no backups
>Of course, set it to suit your own tastes.. I ran it on my own 
>collection and it did the trick.

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