[Flac] James Chapman Flac 1.1.2 File Filter for Cool Edit Pro v2

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 13 16:22:45 PST 2006

--- Didier Eggerickx <didier.eggerickx at skynet.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> Paranoïac? Maybe... When encoding my files in FLAC, and using the
> Verify option, I do a final test with Cool Edit Pro v2.0, which used
> a flac.flt file created by James Chapman for Flac v 1.1.2.
> The problem is that, when decoding a Flac file with the Josh Coalson
> soft, I obtain the same file, in content in size than the original
> WAV file, but when opening the FLAC file in Cool Edit (using thus
> this file filter), the result is most of the time a little different
> than the WAV (original or decoded) file. I say "most of the time"
> because in two cases, it was also exactly the same. How can you
> explain that?
> I have the same problem with MP3, but MP3 is lossy, and I don't know
> on which version of which encoder it is based, so, in this case, it's
> more understanding...
> Thanks for your answer,

different how?  see also

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