[Flac] Some questions

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Tue Nov 7 16:34:18 PST 2006

Josh Coalson wrote:
> --- Christoph Anton Mitterer <calestyo at scientia.net> wrote:
>> There is one thing I forgot to ask last time.... when using that cue
>> feature from flag,.. is it possible to store different tags (title,
>> composer, etc) for each range? And if so how do I specify this on the
>> command line?
> unfortunately, no.
> http://flac.sourceforge.net/faq.html#general__no_cuesheet_tags
*Dohh* Sorry,.. I've even read that before.... but forgot :(

Anyway,.. perhaps some thoughts about that:
I've read the CUE specification at
http://wyday.com/cuesharp/specification.html .
I'm not sure,.. are the CATALOG and ISRC part of CD-Text or not? (At
least ISRC appears in both, the general section of the specification and
the CD-Text section).
So if it was decided to not include CD-Text data perhaps these two
things should be removed, too. (Or the other CD-Text keywords added,...
of course this would be difficult due to different languages and
graphical content in cd-text).

On the other hand it's perhaps unclean to add features to FLAC that
exist only for one specialised usage (CD-DA archival)... this would
apply to all CUE/CD-Text data.

>>> I think the current convention by users is to
>>> store lyrics in the LYRICS tag.  cover art is not part of the tags,
>>> it will go in the PICTURE metadata block in upcoming FLAC 1.1.3:
> http://flac.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/flac/flac/doc/html/changelog.html
Great :-) Is there any release schedule? More than a week/month? ;-)

I've reat a bit around and I've seen that you already support stuff like
UPC/ISRC number,.. CATALOG number and Preemphasis, right?
What about the other flags that can appear in the CUE (DCP, 4CH, SCMS)?
(btw: do you have any link for me where these are explained?)

Thanks in advance and best wishes,

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