[Flac] Re: merging flac files

ChristianHJW christian at matroska.org
Thu Sep 15 12:08:49 PDT 2005

Frans Haarman schrieb:
> Hi!
> I was hoping there was a tool which would let me do something like:
> #flax -o existing.flac --append mytune.flac
> To merge the 2 files!
> Also; is it possible to change the velocity/gain of a flac track ? I
> would love to know how! 
> Regards,
> Frans

You can mux FLAC into matroska ( MKA ) container and append them using 
either mkvmerge or amg . However, this wouldnt make much sense i guess, 
as the total process of muxing, appending and demuxing will probably 
take more time than reencoding ;) ....

matroska project admin

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