[Flac] Playback + Replay Gain questions

CE ce7 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 25 20:33:11 PDT 2005

	Thanks :D  I did see that but wasn't sure if there was an option needed or how it decided to do the album gain.  I fiddled with metaflac and checked for the REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN and my files seem to have it :D  Suppose there is only 1 file to encode.  Does FLAC still add the album gains?

You Wrote:

> see
> http://flac.sourceforge.net/documentation.html#flac_options_replay_gain
> album gain is from all files on the command line, same tag
> stored in each file.
> track gain is computed on each file individually and stored
> in a different tag
> Josh

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