[Flac] Playback + Replay Gain questions
ce7 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 18 20:05:54 PDT 2005
I don't recall seeing anything about how to apply the same gain to an album as opposed to a mix of tracks. Man page and site seem vacant on it. Any clues as to where to look?
I looked at mpd but ended up not using it due it not working with my sound cards as I had them setup. I do remember there being a very good curses player though. Before leaving gnump3d worked quite well for me since it only needed a playlist to point to the files.
http://www.gnu.org/software/gnump3d/ I'll probably install mpd again and test out :)
Thanks for the pointers.
You Wrote:
> 1. Don't know the answer to this one, sorry.
> 2. You can add replay-gain information on either a track or album
> basis, yes. As far as I know, anyway.
> 3. Sounds like mpd would be perfect for your setup
> (http://www.musicpd.org) - it supports per-track or per-album
> replaygain (you can choose which in the config file), plays
> flac/mp3/ogg/aac/etc, and I'm not sure as to whether or not it can
> normalise all your tracks, but I wouldn't be surprised. Also, it's a
> client/daemon style media player, so you can either run the
> ncurses-based client over SSH, or use the PHP web client, or pretty
> much anything else.
> Hope that helps,
> Ian.
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