[Flac] Muggle: FLAC support for VDR (TV based media player)

Lars von Wedel vonwedel at web.de
Mon Jan 24 01:29:04 PST 2005


you may be interested to know, that the most recent release of a Plugin 
called "Muggle" for
the TV-based digital video recorder and media player application VDR 
also supports FLAC now.

Muggle is an enhanced music playback plugin using a database backend. It
can play mp3, OGG Vorbis, and FLAC. The database backend permits sorting
the music library according to various criteria (e.g. Artist / Album Track,
Genre/Year/Track, or Genre/Artist/Album/Track) as it is known from many
Jukebox programs. Further, arbitrary playlists can be defined using the 

The homepage of the plugin is


Some information about developments including downloads can be found at


Thanks for all support on this list to make it work!


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