[Flac] I'm listening to FLAC on my ipod!

Eric Wong eric at petta-tech.com
Thu Jan 20 23:05:51 PST 2005

Eric Wong <eric at petta-tech.com> wrote:
> Just to let you guys know, I've been listening to FLAC (compression
> level 2 or lower) tunes on my 3rd generation ipod running ipodlinux
> (modified uCLinux) for the past few days.  No skips or slow-downs
> whatsoever using MPD to play music.
> It's pretty cool to be able to use my iPod for the first time in 7
> months. (I could've dual-booted the Apple firmware, but nearly all my
> music is in FLAC).  The UI is lacking (I did a very dirty hack of
> Podzilla), and I have an unusual amount of trouble working on UI code
> anywhere, so I'm hoping someone else can do it for me.
> All the code, instructions and more info are here:
> http://www.ipodlinux.org/MPD

I should also add that relevant performance patches have already been
posted to the dev mailing list.  There are a few more but they haven't
made the situation with compression-level >= 3 any better.

Let me know if anybody here can help with optimizations (particularly
with ARM assembly) to FLAC so higher-compression files can play, thanks. 

Eric Wong
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