[Flac] Encoding Options

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 2 10:06:48 PST 2005

(see also

--- "Oskar L." <oskar at rbgi.net> wrote:
> If I have understood correctly, there is no reason to use --lax with
> -8/--best, because -8/--best will not create any non-subset files.


> I don't
> use --no-padding because then the whole file have to be rewritten
> when I
> add tags. Instead I remove the padding with metaflac after I have
> tagged
> my files.

the act of removing padding causes the whole file to be rewritten.

unless you are compressing tiny files, it is a really poor
tradeoff to remove padding or seektables.  we're talking less
than 5k on files that are usually tens or hundreds of megabytes.


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