[flac-dev] using libflac++ on a live internet stream

Chris Barrett cbarrett.colo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 21:51:39 UTC 2017

I'm trying to use libflac++ on a live internet audio stream.  I don't see
anything mentioned in the documentation that suggests this should not be
possible, so I hope I'm not chasing down the wrong path (two weeks in).

The encoder seems to be working fine and creates data for the
write_callback, which I have coded to packetize that data and send it
across the network.

The question is how the decoder at the receiver should operate.  Ideally,
when a packet arrives, it can be fed to the decoder.  When the decoder has
enough data for a new uncompressed frame, it returns one.

But the decoder API does not seem setup for this type of synchronous
operation.  When a packet arrives, I'm trying to call process_single_frame
and then supply the packet data in the read_callback.  It takes the data
but always calls the read_callback again for more data.  It does call
error_callback (status == 0) once, but never write_callback.  So, I'm
guessing that the packet does not have enough data for a frame.

So, I tried queueing write_callbacks at the encoder before packetizing it
and sending it.  It seems like encoder init causes three write_callbacks
that make up the metadata, and then each call to process causes one
write_callback that is presumably the frame data.  The documentation states
that one cannot rely on this, but I can't see any other choice.  Just to be
safe, I let the metadata and the first four frames queue up before sending
it.  Still the decoder asks for more data when I call process_single_frame
with this data and never calls write_callback.  I don't have the decoder
meta callback installed, but could try that to test if it is at least
decoding the metadata.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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