[flac-dev] Performance tests

Martijn van Beurden mvanb1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 00:13:18 PST 2016

Op 3-2-2016 om 19:52 schreef MauritsVB:
> Hi Martijn,
> I don’t know if it’s just my Firefox or whether something breaks during the parsing of the email but none of your links seem to work for me. I feel it might have something to do with the spaces in the file names of the PDFs, which doesn’t translate well to URLs.
> Thanks,
> Lennard

Turns out that even in 2016, things like sending a link in an e-mail 
still isn't as easy as it should be. I will be less stubborn next time. :)

So, here are the links, again. First, the 'regular' comparisons

The CPUs are an Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 and an Intel Core i7-4910MQ. 
Secondly, these three systems were tested with flac binaries compiled 
with --enable-64-bit-word


Finally, I compared the 64-bit word option with FLAC run with, and 
without MD5 sum calculation to verify that the 64-bit word length 
speedup is not mainly because of MD5 sum calculation

Hope this works better :)

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