[flac-dev] FLAC currently won't compile for Android [bisected]

Felix Homann linuxaudio at showlabor.de
Wed May 22 07:03:50 PDT 2013

Sorry that it took so long to reply. As mentioned in an earlier mail my
first bisect session wasn't accurate. I've done a new one:

git bisect bad
d0c219f1978dbaa00a063ac82aa75c8af152cbbb is the first bad commit
commit d0c219f1978dbaa00a063ac82aa75c8af152cbbb
Author: Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd at mega-nerd.com>
Date:   Sun Apr 21 16:16:44 2013 +1000

    A set of windows utf8 patches fromJanne Hyvärinen <cse at sci.fi>.

:040000 040000 a95dce6a0693a0a234673783b0223d71f2b25b02
21c7a6e2ba38b7dba2c700b999240b82f93a3b65 M      src

The relevant part seems to be this one:

+int get_console_width()
+       int width = 80;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+       width = win_get_console_width();
+       struct winsize w;
+       if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) != -1) width = w.ws_col;
+       return width;
-------------- next part --------------
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