[Flac-dev] FLAC seeking error

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 10:07:29 PST 2008

--- "Barra, Jay F Ctr AFRL/RIEC" <Jay.Barra.ctr at RL.af.mil> wrote:

> I am writing a FLAC encoder/decoder and when I use the
> flac_static.lib
> that was compiled in debug mode in MS Visual Studio 2003, the
> seek_absolute function works fine.  However, if I compile flac_static
> in
> release mode in the same environment, the seek_absolute function no
> longer works.  No parts of my code change, the only difference is
> whether I link in the release lib instead of the debug lib.  I just
> recompiled the whole of a new copy of the FLAC source code so I know
> I
> have the most recent FLAC source. I am compiling using MS Visual
> studio
> 2003 and writing in C++ but mainly using the C library and not the
> C++
> library of FLAC.  I'd be helpful of any hints as to which direction
> to move in to solve this.

I've had a report from someone else about this but I don't have any
idea why.  you could try the precompiled ones I make with vc6.  those
static release libs are linked in to the command-line tools I
distribute and have not had any such problems.



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