[Flac-dev] FLAC: library for C#

Jud White jwhite at cdtag.com
Thu Jun 14 04:55:36 PDT 2007


DllImport is the way to go, but it's not always straightforward what to 
do (callbacks, pointers, and structs can get tricky). 
http://pinvoke.net/ is a good resource for mapping Win32 API to C# using 
DllImport, you may find it useful for your efforts.  I also found this 
article helpful in context of DllImport: 

I have some C# code for working with FLAC and Vorbis Comments that does 
not use the FLAC libraries:

taglib# also handles flac

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Harry Sack wrote:
>> but aren't they C++ headers en lib's?
> Not C++, C.
>> I have no idea how I can include a C++
>> header in a C# project.
>> It this even possible?
> Yes. Google for "dllimport csharp".
> Erik

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