[Flac-dev] Getting subframe type=verbatim on 16 bit files
Josh Coalson
xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 18:28:12 PDT 2006
looks fine, I would suspect how the PCM sample are formatted
and sent to process(), could you show that part of the code?
--- James Smith <jsmith at landmarkdigital.com> wrote:
> I'm using libFLACC++ and libFLAC and I think that I'm using the calls
> in the
> typical order (see code below). But every monoe or stereo file that
> I send
> thru I get files that are the same sze as the orginal wave files.
> Doing a flac -a on the flac files I see that I get:
> frame=9 blocksize=4608 sample_rate=8000 channels=1
> channel_assignment=INDEPENDENT
> subframe=0 wasted_bits=0 type=VERBATIM
> .......
> Any idea why/ where I have goofed?
> Thanks,
> James
> Code snippet:
> ===================================================
> FlacEncoder flacCompressor;
> bool setValue = false;
> // set up regular parameters
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_channels (numChannels);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_bits_per_sample (bitsPerSample);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_sample_rate (sampleRate);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_blocksize(4608);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_qlp_coeff_precision (0);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_min_residual_partition_order (3);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_max_residual_partition_order (3);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_max_lpc_order (8);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_rice_parameter_search_dist(0);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_do_exhaustive_model_search(false);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_do_escape_coding(false);
> if (numChannels > 1)
> {
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_do_mid_side_stereo(true);
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_loose_mid_side_stereo(true);
> }
> if (!flacCompressor.SetupInboundBuffer(pcmData)) return false;
> FLAC__StreamMetadata padding;
> FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata [1];
> // stuff some pading for metadata
> padding.is_last = 0;
> padding.length = 40;
> metadata[0] = &padding;
> setValue = flacCompressor.set_metadata(metadata, 1);
> FlacEncoder::Stream::State flacState = flacCompressor.init();
> /*
> // verify that the values are correct...they are fine, why still
> verbatim?
> int i;
> i = flacCompressor.get_channels ();
> i = flacCompressor.get_bits_per_sample ();
> i = flacCompressor.get_sample_rate ();
> i = flacCompressor.get_blocksize();
> i = flacCompressor.get_qlp_coeff_precision (); // default=0 so
> encoding
> software picks the best
> i = flacCompressor.get_min_residual_partition_order ();
> i = flacCompressor.get_max_residual_partition_order (); //
> Had tried
> 0,6 now try 3,3
> i = flacCompressor.get_max_lpc_order ();
> setValue = flacCompressor.get_do_mid_side_stereo();
> setValue = flacCompressor.get_loose_mid_side_stereo();
> */
> // is this state okay?
> if (flacState != FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_OK)
> return false; // bad settings for doing this compression so
> quit...
> // shoot the final data buffer to the encoder....
> // we would have called process_interleaved if we had not created
> an
> array per channel above...
> if (!flacCompressor.DoProcess())
> {
> flacState = flacCompressor.get_state();
> return false;
> }
> flacState = flacCompressor.get_state();
> flacCompressor.finish();
> flacCompressor.Release();
> return true;
> }
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