[Flac-dev] Metadata & RDF

Danny Ayers danny.ayers at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 05:57:06 PDT 2006

On 01/10/06, Ralph Giles <giles at xiph.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 01:17:32PM +0200, Danny Ayers wrote:
> > Not always - the following is valid (though rather unusual!) RDF/XML :
> >
> > <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
> >  <body>
> >    <p><blockquote>Mixup</blockquote></p>
> >  </body>
> > </html>
> I wonder if that's a bug, since there's not actually any RDF there, and
> this would detect as xhtml by a reader.

Not a bug, it's spec-valid RDF (though pretty meaningless), but invalid XHTML.

> > Yep. Hmm, if there was a neat way to provide the media (mime) type it
> > could also be useful for non-XML docs as well. Otherwise an easy
> > workaround for RDF might be to specify that the root element for RDF
> > docs must be <rdf:RDF
> > xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" /> (as was the
> > case in the pre-2004 RDF specs).
> Seems reasonable for this application. I guess I've not read the more
> recent specs.

Yeah, a whole raft of the things in 2004, varying degrees of

They include a Primer, but the stuff at http://www.rdfabout.com/ is a
bit more approachable (especially the 30 second intro).

Isn't there a connotation of the RDF describing the xml
> document it's embedded in if it's not the root element?

The usual way to refer to the current doc (on the Web) is
rdf:about="", I think I'd better ask around a bit on this, it might
not be quite so straightforward when you've got ((data block)(metadata




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