[Flac-dev] OS X FLAC Frameworks + 5.1 channel order

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed May 10 16:16:15 PDT 2006

--- Arek Korbik <arkadini at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> First - XiphQT uses libFLAC and libFLAC++, which are built as
> Mac-specific Framework bundles (libs + public API headers), which in
> turn are distributed with binary XiphQT releases, or framework
> binaries can be downloaded separately. As I don't have access to the
> FLAC source repository, the Xcode build files can be found on:
> http://people.xiph.org/~arek/snapshots/flac-osx-build.tgz
> if you would like to add it to your repository. It builds the two
> aforementioned frameworks out-of-the-box, but without assembly code.
> As OS X got multi-platform, and OS X developer tools seem to include
> nasm by default, somebody could probably have a look. I'd be glad to
> have those frameworks built with optimised code, and am willing to
> help with that - as long as the frameworks work properly on both
> platforms in result.

cool, thanks.

> Second is a question of channel layout mappings for FLAC files with
> more than 2 channels. Vorbis I, section 4.3.9 defines default
> interpretation (mapping 0) for several cases, including 5.1 surround.
> Are there any guidelines or suggestions for FLAC files? There was a
> discussion about channel mappings couple of years ago, but without
> any definitive conclusions.
> I've just added support for Vorbis mappings to XiphQT and I'd really
> like to be able to add similar functionality for FLAC too. Any
> thoughts on that?

unfortunately channel mappings are currently only specified for
stereo.  I plan on adding common mappings for 5/6/7.1 in the next
release, probably following vorbis conventions, but that won't be
out until around august.


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