[Flac-dev] Altivec, automake

Brady Patterson brady at spaceship.com
Thu Jul 29 04:19:14 PDT 2004

Thanks. I was worried about the assembler invocation but it looks like you
solved that problem.

Smooth build on my pbook (G4, 10.2.8, gcc-3.3, ac-2.59, am-1.6.3). Only problem
was lack of check for docbook-to-man; my patch is attachments 1-2.

Not so smooth on my imac (G3, 10.2.8, gcc-3.3, ac-2.52, am-1.6.1; that's what
came with the last 10.2-compatible dev tools). First problem: typo in
doc/Makefile.am; my patch is attachment 3.

Then configure doesn't check for inttypes.h, causing a compile error as soon as
ordinals.h:50. I imagine this is due to that antique version of autoconf, but I
figured I'd mention it to make sure.

And to segue me into this. I think it would be handy (especially for ac/am
newbies) if something like autogen.sh contained:
-a tip about the -I option to aclocal
-a note about xmms; the only way I know to run aclocal without it is to comment-
out the AM_PATH_XMMS line in configure.in
-version suggestions for autoconf, automake, and anything else needed to
generate configure (libtool?)

I would write that up, but I don't know the answers to the last question, and
I could be missing something on xmms.

My pbook is still making check, but so far so good. I'll get back to you if
anything goes wrong.

Brady Patterson (brady at spaceship.com)

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Josh Coalson wrote:

> good news, I finally got the asm compilation working with both
> autotools and project builder.  it's all checked in.  Brady, can
> you try it out too?  autogen.sh may need a little tweaking
> depending on your environment.  here's what mine looks like (I
> have some of the required libs in local places in the user acct
> that I build flac in, and the rest I get from Fink installed in
> /sw).
> aclocal -I $HOME/local.autotools/share/aclocal -I /sw/share/aclocal
> libtoolize --copy
> autoconf
> autoheader
> automake --foreign --include-deps --add-missing --copy
> vi ltmain.sh
> ./configure --with-ogg=$HOME/local.ogg --with-id3lib=$HOME/local.id3
> make
> in the "vi ltmain.sh" step I have to add a line "SED=sed" before
> $SED is used because it doesn't get defined (some known libtool/
> autoconf bug).
> Josh
> P.S. it passed the test suite too so it's going in FLAC 1.1.1
-------------- next part --------------
Index: configure.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/configure.in,v
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -c -r1.94 configure.in
*** configure.in	29 Jul 2004 05:25:36 -0000	1.94
--- configure.in	29 Jul 2004 10:20:55 -0000
*** 311,316 ****
--- 311,322 ----
+ AC_CHECK_PROGS(DOCBOOK_TO_MAN, docbook-to-man docbook2man)
+ if test -n "$DOCBOOK_TO_MAN" ; then
+ fi
  if test -n "$NASM" ; then
*** 337,342 ****
--- 343,349 ----
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__EXHAUSTIVE_TESTS,  [define to run even more tests])
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__VALGRIND_TESTING,  [define to enable use of Valgrind in testers])
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__HAS_DOXYGEN,  [define if you have Doxygen])
+ AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__HAS_DOCBOOK_TO_MAN,  [define if you have docbook-to-man or docbook2man])
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__HAS_ID3LIB,  [define if you have the id3lib library])
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__HAS_NASM,  [define if you have the NASM assembler])
  AH_TEMPLATE(FLAC__HAS_OGG,  [define if you have the ogg library])
-------------- next part --------------
Index: Makefile.am
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/man/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -r1.9 Makefile.am
*** Makefile.am	17 Jan 2004 04:14:43 -0000	1.9
--- Makefile.am	29 Jul 2004 10:31:11 -0000
*** 15,25 ****
--- 15,34 ----
  #  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  #  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
  flac.1: flac.sgml
  	docbook-to-man $? > $@ || (docbook2man $? && mv FLAC.1 $@)
  metaflac.1: metaflac.sgml
  	docbook-to-man $? > $@ || (docbook2man $? && mv METAFLAC.1 $@)
+ else
+ flac.1:
+ 	echo "*** Warning: docbook-to-man not found; man pages will not be built."
+ 	touch $@
+ metaflac.1:
+ 	touch $@
+ endif
  man_MANS = flac.1 metaflac.1
-------------- next part --------------
Index: Makefile.am
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/doc/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -c -r1.13 Makefile.am
*** Makefile.am	17 Jan 2004 04:14:43 -0000	1.13
--- Makefile.am	29 Jul 2004 09:36:47 -0000
*** 28,34 ****
  	echo "*** Warning: Doxygen not found; documentation will not be built."
! 	touch $<
  	mkdir -p html/api
--- 28,34 ----
  	echo "*** Warning: Doxygen not found; documentation will not be built."
! 	touch $@
  	mkdir -p html/api

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