[Flac-dev] Altivec, automake

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 00:32:00 PDT 2004

good news, I finally got the asm compilation working with both
autotools and project builder.  it's all checked in.  Brady, can
you try it out too?  autogen.sh may need a little tweaking
depending on your environment.  here's what mine looks like (I
have some of the required libs in local places in the user acct
that I build flac in, and the rest I get from Fink installed in

aclocal -I $HOME/local.autotools/share/aclocal -I /sw/share/aclocal
libtoolize --copy
automake --foreign --include-deps --add-missing --copy
vi ltmain.sh
./configure --with-ogg=$HOME/local.ogg --with-id3lib=$HOME/local.id3

in the "vi ltmain.sh" step I have to add a line "SED=sed" before
$SED is used because it doesn't get defined (some known libtool/
autoconf bug).


P.S. it passed the test suite too so it's going in FLAC 1.1.1

--- Josh Coalson <xflac at yahoo.com> wrote:

> finished hooking up the altivec stuff so it works in ProjectBuilder.
> I ran a test, doing a 'flac -t' on 400MB of files compresses at
> level 5.  the runtime dropped from from 180 sec to 105 sec!
> once I get the latest autotools on my ibook I'll try and get
> asm compilation to work that way.
> Josh
> --- Josh Coalson <xflac at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > OK, checked it all in (only minor modifications: I used the
> > existing FLAC  routines for allocating aligned memory).
> > 
> > on a side note, I got the Project Builder stuff all working
> > again.  still have to figure out how to integrate assembly
> > compilation though.
> > 
> > Josh
> > 
> > --- Brady Patterson <brady at spaceship.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Here's what I listed in that email. Merging doesn't appear to be
> > > necessary. If
> > > you have any build problems, let me know.
> > > 
> > > Note that my detection code is Darwin-specific. It's a BSD call
> > > (sysctl()), so
> > > a change to the platform-detection macros should enable it to
> work
> > on
> > > other
> > > BSDs. However, I don't know what that would be, and I couldn't
> > > determine any
> > > safe way to do the check in Linux, nor do I have any way to test
> > > anything other
> > > than OS X. The altivec code itself should work on any platform
> with
> > > altivec.
> > > 
> > > Regarding performance, command-line decoding will see a modest
> > > improvement, but
> > > it's really bottlenecked by the MD5 checking (and I don't have a
> > clue
> > > as to how
> > > to optimize that). Real-time decoding should be improved
> > > substantially -- I've
> > > been meaning to test that and will get back to you with the
> > results.
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Brady Patterson (brady at spaceship.com)
> > > 
> > > On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Josh Coalson wrote:
> > > > PS, Brady, do you still have these patches?  you don't have to
> > > > make them current, just send them as-is, I can merge them.

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