[Flac-dev] a FLAC frame decoder

Miroslav Lichvar lichvarm at phoenix.inf.upol.cz
Thu Nov 20 09:27:28 PST 2003

I have written a FLAC frame decoder, it doesn't know anything about
stream or metadata blocks, only frames. It is a C library (well, one C
file with one public function) and it aims to be a high performance
decoder with minimum memory usage for slow CPUs (e.g. old Pentium w/o
MMX), but that doesn't mean it isn't fast on a fast CPU :).

In the package there is also a example decoder/recovery tool for
native FLAC files using affd. It has passed test_stream.sh from the
extensive FLAC testing suite, therefore i think affd is able to manage
every frame.

Ok, don't expect too much, it's first version, it has almost no
documentation, no reasonable build system, etc...


I hope someone find it useful, at least the recovery tool.

Thanks for any comments,

Miroslav Lichvar

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