[Flac-dev] flac ogg quicktime iTunes

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Sat May 10 19:45:06 PDT 2003

--- Dustin Byford <dustin at firein.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm going to start by asking something that has probably been asked 
> before (although I didn't see it on the lists at sourceforge).  Is 
> anyone working on getting iTunes to work with flac?
> I'm bouncing around a few ideas and it seems like the logical
> approach 
> would be to write a quicktime component using this project as a base 
> http://qtcomponents.sourceforge.net
> I wonder if they are off to a good start?
I haven't heard of anyone working on it.  I thought that
qtcomponents has been stagnant for a while.

> This also brings up another question, at what point (if any) does the
> integration between flac and ogg allow us to extend or generalize the
> ogg qt component to deal with vorbis and flac content instead of 
> writing an independent flac qt component.

interesting idea.  I glanced through the vorbis qtcomponent a
while back and it seemed tightly integrated, i.e. not much
separation between the ogg and vorbis layers.


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