[Flac-dev] Re: Bug#196556: flac: FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE

Matt Zimmerman mdz at debian.org
Sun Jun 8 09:12:02 PDT 2003

severity 196556 minor

On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 12:06:56PM +0200, Paul Seelig wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 10:09:20PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > I ran a simple test to try to reproduce your problem, and I happened to grab
> > one wav file which had a sampling rate of 4660 and was able to reproduce
> > your problem.  flac works fine on the other files, which have more normal
> > sampling rates (8000, 16000, 32000, 44100).  If I use sox to convert the
> > sampling rate of the problematic file, flac works on the result.
> > 
> Bingo!
> So i tried again with a "RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft
> PCM, 16 bit, stereo 44100 Hz" i once produced from a vinyl recording using 
> gramofile and finally succeeded! Both encoding and, according to cmp(1)
> decoding again, worked flawlessly. All other WAV from the same source work 
> equally well, so at least my problem is solved. :-)
> Looks like this shortcoming needs to be documented for *users*, if it still
> isn't. A short glancing through the documentation didn't give me any valid
> results from a user's perspective.

Ah, I remember what this is about now.  The encoder is complaining that the
resulting file will not be streamable, since it does not comply with the
FLAC Subset format.  It may also cause problems for hardware-based players
whirh only implement the subset.  If you specify --lax, it will go ahead and
encode the file.  A non-streaming FLAC decoder (such as flac or xmms-flac)
will of course still be able to decode the file.

See format.html in the documentation for more information on this.

It would be nice if flac would print a more descriptive error message in
this case.

 - mdz

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