[Flac-dev] Ogg FLAC

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 31 18:13:02 PST 2002

--- Ingo Ralf Blum <ingoralfblum at gmx.de> wrote:
> > currently flac sets all granulepos members of the ogg pages to 0,
> when
> > embedding a FLAC stream into an Ogg file. Is it possible to change
> this
> > behaviour to use a more reasonable value, e.g. the bytes written so
> far.
> So
> > when the first packets is 1000 bytes long it gets the granulepos
> 1000 and
> > when the second packet is 1234 bytes long it gets the granulepos
> 2234 and
> so
> > on. This would make it easier to seek in Ogg/FLAC files.
> No response to this? Is this a bad idea (I don't think so) or should
> I send
> a patch?

sorry about that... it sounds like a good idea but I don't
know what the right metric would be (bytes written, sample
number, etc).  I was going to forward this to vorbis-dev
but haven't yet.


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