[Flac-dev] Plugin Status

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 14:39:03 PST 2002

--- René Brenner <rene.brenner at freesurf.ch> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using flac for some time and it works really great for
> me. I have
> tried the plugins for winamp2 and xmms and noticed that it does
> display the
> vorbis tags but you cannot edit them yet. It would also be cool to
> show some
> infos like md5sum, numbers of frames etc. in the plugin status
> window. Are
> these features under development or not very high priority?

Miroslav has added file info and Vorbis comment editing to the
XMMS plugin.  It's in CVS and will be in 1.0.5.

As for winamp plugs, I don't have much interest in getting MFC
GUI stuff to work.  I'm kind of hoping someone submits patches
for the winamp2 plugin that has at least a basic configuration
window I can build on.


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