[Flac-dev] stream_encoder metadata callback

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 20:30:03 PST 2001

dug up this thread, sorry it so long to respond...

--- Joshua Haberman <jhaberman at ups.edu> wrote:
> It would also be nice if the host program could correctly write the
> STREAMINFO block in the stream encoder metadata callback without
> having
> to know the specifics of the header format (or worry about
> endianness).
> How exactly to achieve this might take some thought, but what about
> this
> idea:
> 1. The correct way to respond to the metadata callback:
>    i.  If this is a seekable stream, seek to the beginning and return
>        FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_METADATA_OK (or something).
>    ii. If this is not a seekable stream, return
> 2. If the callback indicated that the stream is seekable, FLAC calls
>    the write callback again, writing 'fLaC' and the STREAMINFO block
> (and
>    any seek tables as well).
> What do you think?

yes, the metadata step at the end of encoding is kind of
awkward.  your proposal sounds fine.  I will think about
it some more.  anyway, a change like this would break
backward compatibility with the libFLAC API, which means
it would be a 1.1 think, not a 1.0.x thing.


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