[Flac-dev] FLAC__stream_decoder_flush

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 12 00:03:09 PDT 2001

--- Ingo Ralf Blum <ingoralfblum at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> The FLAC__stream_decoder_flush doesn't change the state, but when I
> play a
> stream and reach the end I have to do a FLAC__stream_decoder_reset
> and reread
> the metadata instead of simply a FLAC__stream_decoder_flush. This is
> because the
> stream state, which indicates the end of the stream, is not changed.
> Is there a
> reason, for the state not being reset to
> FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEARCH_FOR_FRAME_SYNC, when flush is called and
> the state

sorry I'm slow in replying here... I can't think of a reason
of the top of my head but I will look into this.


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