[Flac-dev] What's left for 1.0?

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 22 14:42:51 PST 2001

> JC> FLAC is nearing an official version.  I am going to release a 0.9
> JC> version first with the winamp2 plugin fixes (and some other small
> JC> inprovements). but I want to ask the question now:
> JC> As a user, what do you think is left to do before 1.0?
> fast seeking at first. it's the last feature i'm lacking.
OK, a couple of people have mentioned seeking which has dropped
off my radar, so I'll get back into that.  Do you have any numbers
(stream size, seek time, machine configuration)?  It is helpful
for me to know.

> maybe tagging. i think that id3 tag isn't enough 'cause
> it supports only 30 character strings and don't fulfil
> a requirement of internationalization i mentioned before.
The decoder properly ignores id3v2 tags.  Unless you mean
that the plugins should read id3v2... that I can look into.


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