[Flac-dev] checking OS support for SSE

Miroslav Lichvar mirator at upcase.inf.upol.cz
Fri Jul 27 02:55:43 PDT 2001

Here is patch for checking OS SSE support for systems
having vfork()/fork() function.

Index: src/libFLAC/cpu.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/src/libFLAC/cpu.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 cpu.c
--- src/libFLAC/cpu.c	2001/07/18 00:24:46	1.8
+++ src/libFLAC/cpu.c	2001/07/27 08:57:04
@@ -21,6 +21,20 @@
+#ifndef FLAC__NO_ASM
+#ifdef FLAC__CPU_IA32
+#ifdef FLAC__HAS_NASM
+#ifndef FLAC__SSE_OS
+#ifndef NO_VFORK
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
 const unsigned FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_CMOV = 0x00008000;
 const unsigned FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_MMX = 0x00800000;
 const unsigned FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_FXSR = 0x01000000;
@@ -44,17 +58,37 @@
 		info->data.ia32.mmx = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_MMX)? true : false;
 		info->data.ia32.fxsr = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_FXSR)? true : false;
 		info->data.ia32.sse = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_SSE)? true : false;
-		info->data.ia32.sse2 = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_SSE2)? true : false; /* @@@ also need to check for operating system support? */
+		info->data.ia32.sse2 = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_SSE2)? true : false;
+#ifndef FLAC__SSE_OS
+#ifndef NO_VFORK
+		if(info->data.ia32.sse == true || info->data.ia32.sse2 == true) {
+			int pid, status, sse;
+			pid = vfork();
+			if(!pid) {
+				FLAC__cpu_info_sse_test_asm_ia32();
+				exit(0);
+			}
+			sse = 0;
+			if(pid > 0) {
+				waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+				if(WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
+					sse = 1;	/* there was normal exit, no SIGILL */
+			}
+			if(!sse)
+				info->data.ia32.sse = info->data.ia32.sse2 = false;
+		}
+		/* we are assuming OS isn't supporting SSE */
+		info->data.ia32.sse = info->data.ia32.sse2 = false;
 		cpuid = FLAC__cpu_info_extended_amd_asm_ia32();
 		info->data.ia32._3dnow = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_EXTENDED_AMD_3DNOW)? true : false;
 		info->data.ia32.ext3dnow = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_EXTENDED_AMD_EXT3DNOW)? true : false;
 		info->data.ia32.extmmx = (cpuid & FLAC__CPUINFO_IA32_CPUID_EXTENDED_AMD_EXTMMX)? true : false;
-#ifndef FLAC__SSE_OS
-		if(!FLAC__cpu_info_sse_os_asm_ia32()) /* this function currently always returns false */
-			info->data.ia32.fxsr = info->data.ia32.sse = info->data.ia32.sse2 = false;
 	info->use_asm = false;
Index: src/libFLAC/ia32/cpu_asm.nasm
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/src/libFLAC/ia32/cpu_asm.nasm,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 cpu_asm.nasm
--- src/libFLAC/ia32/cpu_asm.nasm	2001/07/18 00:24:46	1.4
+++ src/libFLAC/ia32/cpu_asm.nasm	2001/07/27 08:57:04
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 cglobal FLAC__cpu_info_asm_ia32
 cglobal FLAC__cpu_info_extended_amd_asm_ia32
-cglobal FLAC__cpu_info_sse_os_asm_ia32
+cglobal FLAC__cpu_info_sse_test_asm_ia32
@@ -81,20 +81,7 @@
 	pop	ebx
-;WATCHOUT - DO NOT call this function until you have verified CPU support of
-;           SSE by inspecting the return value from FLAC__cpu_info_asm_ia32
-;NOTE - Since we're not in priv level 0 we can't just check CR4 bits 9 & 10,
-;       so right now we just assume there is no OS support.  If you know
-;       how to write code to trap a #UD exception in nasm so we can implement
-;       this function correctly, let us know!
-cident FLAC__cpu_info_sse_os_asm_ia32
-	push	ebx
-	mov	eax, 1
-	cpuid
-	mov	eax, 0		;we would like to 'move eax, cr4'
-	shr	eax, 9
-	and	eax, 3
-	pop	ebx
+cident FLAC__cpu_info_sse_test_asm_ia32
+	xorps	xmm0, xmm0
Index: src/libFLAC/include/private/cpu.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/flac/flac/src/libFLAC/include/private/cpu.h,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 cpu.h
--- src/libFLAC/include/private/cpu.h	2001/07/18 00:24:46	1.6
+++ src/libFLAC/include/private/cpu.h	2001/07/27 08:57:04
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 #ifdef FLAC__HAS_NASM
 unsigned FLAC__cpu_info_asm_ia32();
 unsigned FLAC__cpu_info_extended_amd_asm_ia32();
-unsigned FLAC__cpu_info_sse_os_asm_ia32();
+unsigned FLAC__cpu_info_sse_test_asm_ia32();

Miroslav Lichvar
mirator at upcase.inf.upol.cz

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