[Xiph-Advocacy] dir.xiph.org

Conrad Parker conrad at vergenet.net
Tue Mar 3 16:07:55 PST 2009

2009/3/4  <xiphmont at xiph.org>:
>>> On 2/20/09, Michael Smith <msmith at xiph.org> wrote:
>>> > Agreed. Who runs dir.xiph.org currently? We should require that it be
>>> > changed to list only free formats within, say, 2 weeks, or point
>>> > dir.xiph.org somewhere else.
>>> Agreed, as well.  I have no idea who runs it, though.
> I disagree, but not for the reasons you think.  Turning off the
> non-free listings on dir.xiph.org could easily be seen as a wallowing
> in denial-- we're not winning, so let's spin it.  Or worse, we're not
> winning-- so were taking our toys and going home.

How about setting up a separate "free" listing then, which we can
encourage Linux distros etc. to use by default (which should be no
problem if they don't ship mp3 decoders anyway) and which we can use
as a showcase of free codecs.

That way we're making a conscious move, in the direction of our core
values, without being petty and pissing people off for no reason.

> I'd prefer we build some better apps and just win the war :-)

yeah, we're doing that :-)


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