[Xiph-Advocacy] Artwork resources.

xiphmont at xiph.org xiphmont at xiph.org
Sat Jan 19 08:55:16 PST 2008

On Jan 19, 2008 10:35 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at nc.rr.com> wrote:

>    * Why weren't free fonts used?

Free fonts are either fonts that are used to death (one of trite, cliched or
inappropriate), or they're just poor quality.

> These look like "Adobe Garamond
>      Regular".

They are.  There are free Garamond clones, none are as good as the Adobe

> Or something along those lines. (reference:
>      http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/logos<http://people.xiph.org/%7Exiphmont/logos>
> )

PLEASE do not just substitute a random Times Roman variant and call it good
enough.  This is the sort  of thing that caused use to hire a professional
visual designer rather than solicit public submissions: the subtle
differences that differentiate "cool but amatuerish" from "professional; I'm
taking it more seriously just because of the way it looks, but I don't
understand why."

I'm going to be unapologetically picky as all hell about our branding and
imagery.  The number of contacts we get that simply assume we're
fortune-5000 size based solely on the branded imagery is a little scary.

   * Could a free font be officially adopted? I've used FreeSerif here.

Short answer is unfortunately no.

>    * Are any of these wrong? What are supposed to be official logos for
>      the various Xiph formats?

Theora is a logo that never got settled, just so you know.

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