[Advocacy] persuading mobile phone manufacturers to implement Vorbis support

Brett McDowell brett at brettmcdowell.com
Tue May 29 10:51:27 PDT 2007

I wanted to point out this new (emerging) mobile platform as one we  
would want to ensure adopts Xiph codecs right from the beginning.  I  
am not directly involved, but what I've been told about this  
initiative leads me to believe it will be a dominant player before  
long in the mobile landscape.  This may be an opportunity to have  
Xiph codecs adopted as "first class citizens" for playback on mobile  
devices... perhaps even "preferred citizens" over the typical formats.


I might be able to arrange for an advocacy opportunity with the  
founders of this initiative, but I certainly couldn't give the pitch  
(I'm a fan of Xiph but I'm not directly involved these days nor am I  
familiar enough with the technology to make a compelling argument).

Ralph/Monty, et. al.: would this be of interest?  Could someone "with  
a clue" be identified to work with me on this advocacy opportunity  
and eventually lead it?

|| Brett (aka myidiym)

On May 29, 2007, at 4:42 AM, Steve Lhomme wrote:

> Ian Malone wrote:
>> Aaron Whitehouse wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> What could be preventing
>>>> manufacturers to implement it?
>>> According to
>>> http://xiph.org/minutes/2006/10/200610_meeting.txt
>> <snip>
>>> [...]
>>> <xiphmont> Anyway, manufacturers *all* wanted vorbis... until the  
>>> ones
>>> not using ARM found out they needed a different DSP to do it.
>>> <xiphmont> Very few managed to make it fit.
>>> [...]
>> However several Symbian based phones can run Vorbis
>> through third party software, this isn't the obstacle
>> in those cases.
> Symbian phones run on ARM. So tremor can be used on ARM (and it's  
> used in CorePlayer on that platform).
> Steve
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