[Advocacy] Call for Xiph online meeting in 7th Feb (thisWednesday) at 06:00 UTC

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at hut.fi
Tue Feb 6 04:10:27 PST 2007

Hi Ivo,

> Is the time convenient for everyone?

Regardless of if it is, you shouldn't change the custom that has been 
agreed upon. The meeting, if it happens, should be at 06:00 UTC on 
even-numbered months, the next 18:00 UTC meeting should happen in March.

If a change to this would be wanted, it is not enough to change the time 
without discussion with others, during the previous day, and only on one 
page (the general meeting page still said 06:00 UTC, and explained the 
odd/even-month policy).

I changed the time back to 06:00 UTC now (sorry, using bugmenot), and 
suggest that even if it's not possible for you to attend, it's better to 
have meetings in a predictable way than to hassle with the times so close 
to a (possible) meeting.


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