[Advocacy] Blogs by xiph "thought leaders" ?

T. D. Ruth tdruth at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 05:19:18 PDT 2005

On 7/7/05, Brett McDowell <myidiym at mac.com> wrote:
> > However, I also have to admit a) what interests me is
> > substantially highly technical and b) it competes with the other
> > things I'd like to be doing.
> >
> > b) is not so much of a dealbreaker, but a) may well be...
> >
> I don't think so.  I'm familiar with a few blogs (digital identity,
> not multimedia) that are highly technical... every entry seems to
> have either "pointy brackets" and/or "source code".  We could use a
> cross-section of Xiph-informed bloggers, including the highly
> technical (and I just bet you'll have a few opinions to post that
> aren't "highly" technical, once you get rolling ;)
> Anyone else?  Who is blogging already on xiph-related (or relevant)
> topics?

I've thrown around some ideas on digital music licensing.  While
technical in the legal, licensing issues are central to digital music
development.  Grokster, recent comments of US Copyright Registrar re:
mechanicals, EU moves on uniform licensing, emerging Canadian and
Australian piracy laws . . . things are changing & I've long believed
that Xiph could help direct intelligent reform.

Long story short, as an attorney I'd be happy to contribute to the
legal issues (education, opinion, strategy).

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