[Advocacy] Re: looking for mini Ogg Vorbis player

Alex Mauer hawke at hawkesnest.net
Thu Dec 22 09:17:46 PST 2005

Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> I am looking for a inexpensive (less than US$80) mini player (that
> hopefully has FM radio also) that will work with Linux or a *BSD to
> upload .ogg files.
> Any suggestions?

I've been pretty happy with my Samsung YP-MT6V.  It's only 256MB, but
that's good enough for me.  It fits the above specifications.  I got it
for about $35 from Best Buy.  The YP-MT6X and YP-MT6Z should be pretty
much the same, but with 512 and 1GB of storage respectively.  The price
increases pretty horribly for those though.  The YP-MT6X looks like it
should be in your price range.

The only problem I've had with the player so far is that certain tags,
such as the musicbrainz tags or the replaygain tags, will crash the
player.  Stripping those tags will make them playable.  I've heard
rumours that it might not like certain bitrates (too low?) too, but
haven't run into that one.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
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