[advocacy] Metadata to streams

Gunnar bergman gl_bergman at yahoo.se
Thu Jan 9 10:32:35 PST 2003

I'm interested to know how to ID3-equivalent tagging
for OGG works.
At what level is it residing? Always in the container
format, or within the codec stream? If it's the latter
option, is it only implemented for Vorbis, or is it
available for video too?

Besides that, I'd like to know how much flexibility
there is in the tagging standard. Is it limited to
desciption of music tunes, or does it allow extended
For example, if there's a radio station streaming
do they have the ability to add data like:
- Name of station
- Name of current show
- Topic of the program
- Duration of the program (started at... ; ends at...)
- Special flag if it's a re-run
- Name of the host leading the show
- Name of possible guests to the show
- Contact info ... (phone, email, mail)

And added to that - will it be possible of course to
update these fields continuously, so that they aren't
necessarily locked for the session?

<p><p>G L Bergman

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