[advocacy] A HOW-TO for adapting ID3/MP3 softwares?

Daniel James daniel at mondodesigno.com
Wed Sep 4 04:30:12 PDT 2002

> So either the authors of ID3
> editors make a bold step forward and offer an alternative GUI for
> .ogg files (I doubt (m)any designed their GUI for MP3 files with
> that amount of flexibility in mind), or you as the user simply
> switch to one of the dedicated .ogg taggers. Different purpose,
> different tool ... that'd make sense.

Well, speaking as a mere user I would expect to find the comment 
editing in the same place as I was used to with MP3. So if I was 
encoding mp3 (for some strange reason) I would see the extra comment 
boxes offered when using Vorbis greyed out.

To the average user (and this may be a heresy on this list) the 
actual codec is not something they think about a great deal.
The best transition to ogg for a user is a transparent one - eg in 
grip-config-mp3-encoder I just replace whatever MP3 encoder with 
oggenc. If other MP3 tool creators want to support Vorbis let's help 
them to do that with a HOW-TO.


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