[advocacy] Re: ¡°e¿á¡±´ß±ÈFLASHÈí¡þ½øÈë¡°Gʱ´ú¡±

Jernej Simonèiè jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Thu Jul 18 13:01:43 PDT 2002

Hello Moritz,
18. julij 2002, 21:51:27, you wrote:

>> It'd be nice if the list submitted messages from non-members to
>> moderator for approval. At least that's what most lists with open
>> posting do...

> He said he would look into setting up something that requires
> confirmation of posts from non-subscribed people, which would pretty
> much eliminate this kind of spam that gets past the filters.

That's what I said. In some mailing lists I participate, all the
moderators are notified of such messages, and one of them has to
approve it then. You could always choose moderators from some trusty
people, so that Monty doesn't have to do all the work...

Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
ICQ: 26266467

The more an item costs, the farther you have to send it for repairs.
       -- Goodman's Law of Value

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