[advocacy] Sample Editors (was: Re: Mail etiquette and iTunes)

Moritz Grimm gtgbr
Fri Feb 15 08:46:22 PST 2002

Daniel James wrote:
> > This is one of these "doesn't matter" questions. A sample editor
> > has to do what you need it to do. Choose the one or two or three
> > that suit your needs.
> Isn't it easier sometimes to get a recommendation from someone who's
> tried them all already? I think that's what the original question was
> about.

Well, I tried many and found that I can neither make a recommendation
for me or anyone else. It's really about the features you need, how to
work with a certain program, and what the requirements of the current
job are. While preferring the mixing and cutting in CoolPro, I prefer
Sound Forge for mangling and FX'ing tracks or single sounds. Some tasks
make Samplitude very useful while for other tasks all those "big"
programs are overkill and not worth being used/bought/checked
out/whatever. There's not much to say than to check out the different
programs, find the one that does what you need in a manner you can work
with and then use, or buy and then use it.

It's hard to tell what is "best", as it's not only the technical
features and facts that are important but also how effective one can
work with something. This is different for every individual user.

> > (i neither encode
> > from within a sample editor nor do I load .ogg or .mp3 files).
> Some of us do, or would like to. Besides, it's not just about

I was talking only about myself here, and hoped to imply that I neither
have any use for nor experience with features like that. With external
encoding, I can make sure to be current when it comes to encoders, for
example. It's not always obvious what sample editors use internally. The
additional hassle prevents me from making stupid mistakes that might
take much longer to fix.


"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve   neither   liberty   or   security"  -  Benjamin   Franklin

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