[advocacy] Re: interest in ogg

Eric Belanger Bilange/BlackMage bilange
Mon Dec 3 15:48:58 PST 2001

>> Do you think the ogg will become as well known as the mp3?
>There's no reason why not - who had heard of MP3 a few years ago? All
>it takes is for people to start using it every day...

A few years ago when no one knew about mp3, there was nothing really
useful and small enough to be popular. Or at least *I*  and my friends
did not know any similar file formats.. (Of course there was modules,
but thats quite different.)

Now that we can see MP3s all around the web (and even 'outside' the web,
like portable players etc), i dont think Ogg Vorbis will be as much
popular as mp3s, unless Ogg Vorbis 1.0 will encode at higher quality
with less disk space used. But of course ,the 'no restrictions and
royalies' stuff will help :)

Flames to /dev/null please :)

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