[vorbis] libdl and building under NetBSD

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Tue Feb 27 15:06:20 PST 2001

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Jack Moffitt wrote:

> > My question is: how can I modify ogg123 to use /dev/audio as the default
> > device?
> > 
> > I guess I should be asking these questions to the developers list.
> Read the man page :)

Sorry I should have said I already did that.
$ nroff -mandoc /usr/local/share/man/man1/ogg123.1 | less

I don't want to use oss -- and from my examples it appears that oss is
not available: "No such device oss".

I was just trying it since I patched the ao_oss.c file to try to use

> As for changing the audio device, /dev/audio isn't the oss standard I
> thought.  In any case, it's a trivial change in ao_oss.c.  You can also

I thought it was trivial. But it appears that oss isn't being used in the
first place so my changes to use /dev/audio don't work.

> specify it on the commandline with a device option, but we'll probably

But what device option is for /dev/audio? (By the way, I also tried
"irix" and "solaris", but received: "No such device ...".)

> need to take this to the -dev list to figure out a more permanent
> solution.

Yes, I will. Thanks again for your time.

   Jeremy C. Reed

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