[vorbis] Few questions concerning clipping

Aleksandar Dovnikovic aldov at EUnet.yu
Sun Feb 25 15:11:16 PST 2001

"Beni Cherniavsky" <scben at techst02.technion.ac.il> wrote:

> Do you have some numerical observertions?  I'd be interested to know.  It
> is expectable that this can occur, so I always try to limit (by scaling
> the volume to the minimum of 98%-max-sample and 0.15-RMS which I have on
> most my songs) my input files to 98% of the maximum assuming that this is
> enough - but I never checked that it really is.

Sorry I don't have any numerical data... I only noticed that Sound Forge's
play meter shows clipping while I was playing some Vorbis decoded
samples and I was interested if this clipping has any (audible) quality
impact, especially because I don't like to perform normalization on
grabbed WAVs (I like to leave them in their 'original' form).

BTW Sound Forge 5.0 final is out and it supports Ogg Vorbis
encoding/decoding. How neat. :-)


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